• The Swan-Canning Estuary lies at the heart of Perth, Western Australia This site is an portal to help inform the community how it works and what it is doing

  • Interested to learn about the Swan-Canning system? Visit the Department of Parks and Wildlife information resources and find out more on our pages

  • Interested to understand the Swan-Canning model predictions? Click here for further information

Recent Blog Posts & Project Updates

Oxygenation in the Upper Swan

Low oxygen conditions that occur in the Swan and Canning rivers are being managed using artificial oxygenation - click here to find out more about assessing oxygenation dynamics.

Water quality repsonse to floods

Interested to know what happens to the Swan-Canning estuary during a flood? In February 2017, the Avon and Swan Coastal Plain received an exceptional amount of rain, with over 100mm in 24 hours - click here to see what happens next.

Estuary metabolism

PhD candidate Amina Saeed has been exploring how estuary "metabolism" responds to different weather and hydrologic drivers - see how we're using real-time data to improve our understanding.

WA coastal waters forecast

The coastal oceanography website by Prof Chari Pattiarchi's team at UWA shows forecasts of coastal conditions across the Western Australian coastline - visit here to see live results!

Contributors & Sponsors

Sentient Hubs
DBCA Rivers and Estuaries
UWA Oceans Institute
Looking for information about estuary conditions?Visit the Model Dashboard

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